View the Nurses Course
View the session time and title as well as the PDF slide.
View the Physician's Course
View the session time and title as well as the Video and PDF slide.
Nurses Course
Session Time & Title | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 7:30 AM | Session 1: Updates in Detecting Colon Cancer including the use of AI | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 8:15 AM | Session 2: Non-Surgical Techniques in Removing Large Colorectal Polyps | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 9:00 AM | Session 3: The Diagnosis is Colon Cancer – What are the Surgical Interventions? | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 10:15 AM | Session 4: Updates in Fecal Transplants | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 11:00 AM | Session 5: Talking about Anesthesia Issues Related to Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 2:20 PM | Session 6: Radiation Safety During Interventional Endoscopy Procedures | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 2:50 PM | Session 7: Ergonomics for GI Nurses and Associates | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 7:30 AM | Session 8: Ramifications and Implications on GLP-1 Based Therapies | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 8:30 AM | Session 9: POEMS – When are they indicated, how is it performed? | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 9:30 AM | Session 10: Leadership in GI Endoscopy | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 12:00 PM: Industry Sponsored Lunch | ------ |
Day 3 - Fri 1:20 PM | Session 11: The Nurses Role in Post ERCP Management of Pancreatitis | PDF Slide |
Physician’s Course
Session Time & Title | Video | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 7:30 AM | Session 1.0: Preventing Upper GI Malignancies!! | Preventing Upper GI Malignancies! | ------ |
Day 2 - Thurs 7:30 AM | Session 1.1: Barrett's Esophagus: Strategies to Avoid GEJ Cancers | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 7:45 AM | Session 1.2: Gastric metaplasia: What do we do? | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 8:00 AM | Session 1.3: Pancreatic cancer prevention: Can we make a difference? | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 8:30 AM | Session 2.0: Colorectal Cancer / Genetics | ------ | ------ |
Day 2 - Thurs 8:30 AM | Session 2.1: Polyposis syndromes: Recognition and action | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 8:45 AM | Session 2.2: All you need to know about Immunotherapy related colitis | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 9:15 AM | Special Lecture: Everything a gastroenterologist needs to know about prevention and detection of anal cancer | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 9:30 AM | Special Lecture: NYSGE Presidential Lecture: Interesting Cases of Pancreatitis | NYSGE Presidential Lecture | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 10:15 AM | Session 3.0: Resection and dissection: Taking out more | ------ | ------ |
Day 2 - Thurs 10:16 AM | Session 3.1: Updates in EMR /ESD | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 10:30 AM | Session 3.2: Resection needs closing? Tips and tricks | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 11:00 AM | Special Lecture: Peter D. Stevens Lecture: My Journey in interventional endoscopy | Peter D. Stevens Lecture | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 11:15 AM | Special Lecture: ACG Presidential Lecture: Honoring the past while transforming the future: bringing diversity into the scope of gastroenterology | ACG Presidential Lecture | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 11:30 AM: Live Endoscopy Case Presentations International | Live Case 1 | ------ |
Day 2 - Thurs 12:00 PM: Industry Sponsored Lunch | Industry Lunch Session | ------ |
Day 2 - Thurs 1:20 PM: Live Endoscopy Case Presentations Session 1 |
Live Case 2 Live Case 3 Live Case 4 Live Case 5 |
------ |
Day 2 - Thurs 2:20 PM | Session 4.0: Current issues in Pancreaticobiliary Disease | Current issues in Pancreaticobiliary Disease | ------ |
Day 2 - Thurs 2:20 PM | Session 4.1: Preventing post ERCP pancreatitis: What to do and how to do it | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 2:35 PM | Session 4.2: EUS biliary drainage: When and how | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 2:50 PM | Session 4.3: Taking the indeterminate out of indeterminate biliary strictures | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 3:05 PM | Session 4.4: Maximizing the yield of EUS tissue acquisition | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 2 - Thurs 4:05 PM: Live Endoscopy Case Presentations Session 2 | ------ | ------ |
Day 3 - Fri 7:30 AM | Session 5.0: My gut is inflamed! | My Gut Is Inflamed! | ------ |
Day 3 - Fri 7:30 AM | Session 5.1: All you need to know about the microbiome and C diff first thing in the morning | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 7:45 AM | Session 5.2: EoE: The latest in diagnosis and treatment | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 8:00 AM | Session 5.3: Celiac mimickers: A sheep in wolf's clothing | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 8:15 AM | Special Lecture: David Falkenstein Lecture: The Dropped Stone | David Falkenstein Lecture | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 8:30 AM: Live Endoscopy Case Presentations Session 3 |
Live Case 1
Live Case 2 Live Case 3 Live Case 4 |
------ |
Day 3 - Fri 9:45 AM | Session 6.0: Endoscopic 911! | Endoscopic 911! | ------ |
Day 3 - Fri 9:45 AM | Session 6.1: Complications of Therapeutic EUS: Prevention and Management | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 10:00 AM | Session 6.2: GI bleeding emergencies and novel techniques | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 10:15 AM | Session 6.3: Current Innovation in Endoscopy | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 10:30 AM: Live Endoscopy Case Presentations Session 4 |
Live Case 1
Live Case 2 Live Case 3 Live Case 4 |
------ |
Day 3 - Fri 12:00 PM: Industry Sponsored Lunch | Industry Lunch Session | ------ |
Day 3 - Fri 1:20 PM | Session 7.0: IBD | IBD | ------ |
Day 3 - Fri 1:20 PM | Session 7.1: IBD dysplasia: Improving recognition--Improving therapy | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 1:35 PM | Session 7.2: Endoscopic management of IBD and pouches | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 1:50 PM | Session 7.3: Medical management of IBD: So many choices | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 2:20 PM: Live Endoscopy Case Presentations Session 5 | Live Case Wrap Up | ------ |
Day 3 - Fri 3:50 PM | Session 8.0: The ever-changing world of hepatology | The ever-changing world of hepatology | ------ |
Day 3 - Fri 3:50 PM | Session 8.1: Endohepatology-Where can EUS take us? | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 4:05 PM | Session 8.2: Liver Transplantation: State of the Art | ------ | PDF Slide |
Day 3 - Fri 4:20 PM | Session 8.3: MASH: A new name and newer treatments | ------ | PDF Slide |